Racial Equity Resources

The Racial Equity workshop sponsored by BLaST was on April 7, 2018 held at UAF campus by Presenters Kyana Wheeler and Fran Partridge. The focus of the workshop was to:

• Talk about race and racism and its terms
• To understand the impact of “othering”
• Understand how we live: historical, institutional and structural context
• To develop an analysis of “white dominant culture”
• To define implicit bias and understand how it impacts our decisions and behaviors
• To understand the importance of becoming vigilant in noticing and recognizing our own
implicit bias

For more information about Racial Equity Consultants, LLC, please visit their website: http://racialequityconsultantsllc.vpweb.com

Monthly Mentoring Discussion Group meetings are also held at UAF campus, and focused on furthering teaching and mentoring skills of those interested. Examples of resources on mentoring focused on Diversity and Inclusion and included the following:

Deconstructing White Privilege - https://vimeo.com/147760743

Implicit Bias - https://www.ted.com/talks/verna_myers_how_to_overcome_our_biases_walk_boldly_toward_them

Seeing White - http://podcast.cdsporch.org/seeing-white/

For more information, contact Lori Gildehaus at lagildehaus@alaska.edu.