Undergraduate/Mentee Resources

Resources should be informative, up to date, and helpful to all those interested in many subject areas. Please share any new or recent resources with our BLaST office to consider adding to this listing.


Fairbanks Memorial Hospital job shadowing - A job shadow allows you to see first hand what the day to day activities are like in the specific health care career of your choosing at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital.

Medical School Admission Requirements through the AAMC Association of American Medical Colleges.

Academic Resources at UAF:

Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity (URSA) at University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) supports, develops and institutionalizes UAF's diverse and robust programs of undergraduate research and creative scholarship.

Student Support Services (SSS) at University of Alaska Fairbanks aims to increase the academic achievement, retention, and graduation rates of first-generation, low-income students, and students with disabilities.

National STEM Resources:

Mentoring in Medicine & Science, Inc. (MIMS) is a nonprofit organization operating in Oakland, California. They have opportunities for undergraduates interested in becoming health professionals.

Pathways to Science is a project of the Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP), funded by the NSF and NASA. It supports mentoring pathways to the STEM fields: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Institute for Clinical and Translational Researchprovides mentor-mentee training and assessment, and is part of the NIH-funded  National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN).


Science Careers Article from the Journal Science: Top 10 Tips to Maximize your Mentoring  ideas to increase benefits of your personal and professional relationships with one or more mentors.

Science Careers Article from the Journal Science: Troubled by Interdisciplinarity? Interdisciplinarity can be wonderful, but there are difficulties and ways to make it work.

Cultural Awareness, Diversity and Inclusion: 

February 7, 2018 Culturally Diversity and Inclusion Powerpoint by Ana Richards (Department of Diversity and Equal Opportunity), UAF - here.
Guidelines in Research:
These  Guidelines for Improved Cooperation between Arctic Researchers and Northern Communities have been drafted by the Arctic Sciences Section of the Office of Polar Programs at the National Science Foundation and the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium with the input of the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission, North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management and the Alaska Native Science Commission. The purpose is to provide information and suggestions to improve the way researchers work with communities in the Arctic in the planning and conduct of field research campaigns. Fieldwork can interrupt subsistence hunting or disturb species protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act or Endangered Species Act.